During user research , we spent quite a lot of time to understand how leave management works in mine sites. We learned the workflow and logics, and a few concepts and we would like to apply to our design.
Leave Request Status
When a leave request is created, the initial status is pending and awaits supervisors to approve or reject. The supervisors can choose to approve the request with or without backfills.
Leave Coverage
Both employees and external contractors can opt in to cover a leave. Supervisors can choose to select candidates internally or send out coverage requests to contractors. There are two factors that needs to be taken into consideration: worker's qualifications and availability.
Cope with Changes
The system needs to cope with modifications and changes alone the way. Users might cancel a leave request or change the dates. Once the changes occurs, the UI needs to inform all users involved and provide information on how they can respond.
There are many information and actions required from users who involved. The challenge is how to present and organise those input interfaces and workflows. We've tried:
Showing all options and actions on the same page
Good: efficient to use; less clicks; sense of control.
Bad: increase user's cognitive load by presenting too much information on one page; error-prone.